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The Search For Connections Begins With Yourself

I cannot tell you how many times I have heard this phrase in a coaching session—I’m searching for something but I don’t really know what it is. As the coaching progresses, what the answer usually boils down to is connection. It’s often connection with others and humanity, but usually this connection begins with self.

It’s amazing how out-of-touch many of us have gotten with ourselves. Here’s how this can often show up:

  • We don’t trust ourselves.
  • We sense something in “the gut” but don’t give ourselves permission to go with it.
  • We avoid processing emotions—this often shows up in some form of distraction or other means of avoidance.
  • We put walls up.
  • We don’t go “deep” in relationships because quite frankly, we can’t go deep with ourselves.

Is any of this ringing a bell to you? I believe we are in the midst of a connection crisis. I think it’s happened for multiple reasons—being isolated, technology, inability to name (let alone process) emotions (don’t cry, don’t be angry—you know what I’m talking about here!) and the list could go on and on. Friends, I believe connection and conversation are two of the most important things we can do in our lives to make a huge difference in how we show up in and for the world. When we start with ourselves, it goes out from there.

I put together a little SEARCH acronym around some thoughts with connection. 

S: Seek. What are you seeking? I vote that there are five key things most human beings are seeking—love, acceptance, belonging, connection and forgiveness. These are basic spiritual and emotional needs. They also affect the physical body. I invite you to get clear about which of those areas need the most attention from you and commit to one thing that will help this area grow.

E: Embrace the good. See the good in yourself. Embrace it. Release that which isn’t serving you or humanity. 

A: Affirm the good Notice the good in yourself. Notice the good in others. See it. Affirm it.

R: Rest and Restore. Are your soul and heart needing some rest? Rest can look like a walk in nature, sitting by a stream, watching the snow fall…you get the idea. It can also look like a nap or good sleep. It’s important to restore. 

C: Conversations. I believe the conversation begins with our heart and soul. I often have these conversations through journaling. Once I am clear with myself, I open the door for richer and deeper conversation with others.

H: Honor the amazing human being that you are. You have been created for greatness. You are unique. You are the only you. Honor others with your presence.

Friends, many people search a lifetime for a sense of peace and fulfillment. I’d like to offer a perspective that it’s already here. We simply have to connect to it. I often wonder how much healing we could have for ourselves and humanity if we would put more energy and effort into connecting. 

I invite you to deeper connection today—with yourself and humanity.

Blessings, Peace and JOY – 
