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Reflections from Ireland

I recently returned from a trip to Ireland that I won through a raffle ticket. I have been buying raffle tickets from this non-profit for a long time—years of those $10 tickets paid off! This year, my dad actually purchased a handful of tickets and my name got put on them (thanks dad!) 

Of course, since most of the trip was paid for, I decided to add on some extra days and see a few more sites and meet more people from places other than Dublin. One thing I know is that travel and getting away is important. It provides perspective and insight that we don’t get in other ways. I realize that not everyone will be going overseas, but travel can literally mean going down the road to a new site or experiencing something in a different way.

I want to share a few of the insights I gained through this recent experience:

  • The “way of being” in Ireland suits me. People we encountered focused on relationships and hospitality towards others. We experienced generosity on new levels. 
  • Genuine conversations were taking place. Other than seeing visitors pull out a phone to grab a photo, there were no phones at the eating table. Quite inspiring. 
  • People focused on each other. 
  • Public transportation was efficient and effective. We could get to where we needed to be without a car, which was nice as a tourist. 
  • Genuine care for homes, flowers and landscape. Outside of a few spots in Dublin, very little trash was seen. 
  • People recycled. 
  • Appreciation of art and culture, including music. 
  • A reminder to myself that there is so much to be explored and understood. 
  • Business owners and workers genuinely happy to be serving—no expectation of a tip in service areas, but SO grateful when one was given.
  • Restored hope in humanity. 
  • No matter where we are, there is a deep-seated piece of our being that wants to be seen, loved, accepted and connected. 
  • Food. I simply feel better eating non-processed, non “fake” foods. I notice this every time I go overseas. 

In case you are wondering—yes, I am already planning my next trip. I love meeting people, exploring new places, gaining new insights and renewing my hope in humanity. Where is your next destination? What are the ways traveling restores your hope in humanity?

Blessings, Peace and JOY – 
