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The LOVE Letter

A friend from high school was doing some repurposing work on a desk. As she was working on the antique school desk that was in really tough shape, she decided to take everything apart. When she removed the ink well, a piece of paper flew across the floor. It was a note—a love note.

Here is what it said:

“Joe, do you like me?

Love, Kathy”

Now, my friend got really curious and wanted to do more research. As she researched the desk, she found that the desk was built between 1886 and 1906! She knew the love letter was from quite some time ago, but did not imagine this. As I ready my friend’s documentation of this journey, I couldn’t help but feel a swelling in my heart. Ah, it’s so romantic. 

Then I found myself asking, “well, what did he say?” Did Joe like Kathy? And then I found myself thinking about what this looks like in modern day. A text message? Somehow, the text message just doesn’t feel as real or connected as a hand-written, heart-felt message. Of course, I really wanted to know if there was a happy ending to this love note. Did they get married? Have a family? Or perhaps life threw curve balls like so many of us experience in life. But I also know that when we have LOVE, even in the roughest of times, we will make it through because, quite frankly, love can support a whole lot.

This love letter inspired me to pull out a box of cards from the shelf. In this box are cards from my grandparents, husband, parents, kids, friends, colleagues and more. Each one of these cards expresses love. Even if the word love isn’t stated, I can feel it in the time taken to write the card, create the card, send the card and more. I can feel that I matter to whoever sent me these cards. In knowing that I matter, I feel and experience even more love. I think we can underestimate the value of simple gestures that show people we love and care for them.

Today, I invite you to take a moment to reflect on the love you’ve given and received. What are the “love notes” you’ve experienced in your life—not necessarily the ones hidden under an ink well, but all forms of love notes. What is the impact these have created in your life? What are the ways this love connects you to life?

I don’t know about you, but I’m inspired to spread a little more love in the world today. Here are three things I intend to continue doing:

  • Write at least one handwritten note a week to someone.
  • Meet with a friend either in person or over ZOOM at least once a week to connect and share time.
  • Send a text or call loved ones regularly to remind them that they matter in my life.

I want to keep love alive and I’m inviting you to do the same.

Blessings, Peace and JOY – 
