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Rare Moments for the New Year

The New York Ball has fallen, fireworks have filled the skies, and many a new planner is now filled with goals, dreams, weight loss strategies…yes, we have officially welcomed the new year. I actually remember the days when I would go to New Year’s Eve parties. Now I am perfectly content enjoying the evening at home, creating fun hors d’oeuvres and laughing with friends and family.

There is something else that happens with the change to a new year. It’s almost like a reset. It’s a time when many people reflect on the past year and then look at what they would like to keep, start, or stop doing in the New Year. It also feels like a sense of renewal as we reconnect with where we are and where we are going. 

I came up with a framework I use for capturing the past year and preparing for the next. I’d like to share it with you—along with some powerful questions to guide your process. Please add your own in as well!

R—Reflect on the past year. What were the things that brought you immense happiness and JOY? What were the things that propelled you forward? What are things you wanted to do but didn’t get to? What have you been grieving this past year? What are you celebrating?

A—Activate. What do you want to activate this year? More belief? More confidence? More compassion? More love?

R—Reactivate. What do you want to reactivate this year? This could be something you started activating in the past and it just needs a little extra attention. It may be something that you had great success with but now want to reactivate it with a new perspective or slant.

E—Empower. What do you want to empower this year? My dear mentor, Rick Tamlyn, always used to say, “Make a decision. Choose something and empower that until further notice.” I love this and use it all the time. Choose what you will be activating/reactivating and empower those things until further notice.

Friends, I believe that using the RARE framework doesn’t just have to happen once a year. I will often apply it on a weekly basis as I set my tone for the following week. Why wait a whole year to see what’s working and what isn’t? Why wait a year to celebrate something incredible that happens within a week? When we choose to activate, reactivate, and empower these choices on a regular basis, we are truly stepping into a stronger and more robust purpose in life.

Wishing you a Happy New Year! May you feel renewed and ready to continue bringing you and your gifts to the world.

Blessings, Peace and JOY – 
