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Keep Your Eye on the Prize

I realize I may be showing my age here, but if you’ve ever eaten a bag or box of Cracker Jack, you will be familiar with the coveted prize. To get everyone on the same page, Cracker Jack is an American brand of snack food that consists of molasses-flavored, caramel-coated popcorn and peanuts, well known for being packaged with a prize of trivial value inside. Trust me when I say you really can’t eat just one—not only because of the great taste, but also to get to the prize at the bottom of the bag.

Why am I bringing this up?

I was in a prayer session this past week and one of the facilitators saw an image of a Cracker Jack box around me—a sense that great things are happening, they will keep happening and there is so much more to come. And not only is this going to be amazing, but there will be FUN in the process. I’m a person who loves to have fun in what I’m doing. I work hard. Very hard. I also like to make sure I’m enjoying myself in the process

This got me to thinking.

What if we chose create our lives like a box of Cracker Jack? What if we created life so that each piece was filled with awesomeness? What if each piece of what we created led us to create more, experience more and ultimately keep moving through our lives in a fun way? What would become possible? I definitely visualize more JOY, gratitude, harmony, hope and ultimately, love.

I came up with a list of ways to create life as a box of Cracker Jacks. I hope this is useful for you.

  • Make a decision to lead life with JOY.
  • Share JOY with others.
  • Find a career and/or activity that brings out your talents, strengths and invokes passion. (something you enjoy doing)
  • Get rid of toxic behaviors.
  • Set boundaries.
  • Have a great circle of support.

And of course—keep your eye on the prize!

What do you do to create life like a box of Cracker Jack? I’d love to hear 1 or 2 or your top tips!

Blessings, Peace and JOY—


Blessings, Peace and JOY – 
